Tuesday: March 4, 2025


National Guide Dog Month

National Guide Dog Month in September celebrates guide dogs' life-changing roles for the visually impaired, raises awareness of guide dog programs, honors dedicated guide dogs and their trainers, promotes guide dog access rights, and brings attention to these amazing service animals.


National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month

We invite you to join a month-long series of engaging and inspiring events. Together, we will shine a light on the history, needs, and accomplishments of the spinal cord injury community, while promoting awareness and understanding in our society.


National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)

A month-long campaign to raise awareness about the contributions of disabled individuals in the workforce and promote employment opportunities. The observance traces its roots back to 1945 when Congress declared the first week of October as "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." It was later expanded to a month-long celebration in 1988.


National Depression Education and Awareness Month

September is National Depression Education and Awareness Month, an opportunity to illuminate a serious mental health condition that lurks silently in the shadows for too many. Roughly 1 in 6 Americans will contend with the debilitating effects of clinical depression during their lifetime. Yet misconceptions still dominate around this common disorder.


White Cane Safety Day

White Cane Safety Day is an opportunity to promote awareness and understanding, but the principles of accessibility and inclusion should be upheld every day to ensure a more inclusive society for individuals with visual impairments.

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